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Family Dental Care – Healthy Snacks That Are Kind To Your Teeth

Some popular snacks are not particularly good for your teeth. For instance, accidentally chewing on a popcorn kernel can crack a tooth, and tacky foods like Swedish Fish can pull out a loose filling. Fortunately for snack lovers, there are snack choices that are safe for your teeth.

In this article, learn about healthy snacks that are safe for your teeth, from the family dental care experts at Eriks Dental Group in Boynton Beach

Healthy Snacks For Healthy Teeth

family dental care

You don’t have to sacrifice flavor in order to enjoy healthy snacks. Some great options include:


Strawberries are a good healthy snack that has lots of nutrients, including lots of immune-building vitamin C. Even though strawberries have tons of little seeds, the seeds are so small that they are unlikely to get stuck in your teeth. Plus, there are anecdotal stories of how strawberries might just help to whiten your teeth.


Yogurt is full of calcium and vitamin D, which are critical to the health of your teeth. For young children, these nutrients are especially important for their development. Aim for yogurts without added sugar or artificial sweeteners, as those ingredients are not particularly good choices for your teeth.

Fresh, Raw Veggies

Raw vegetables, such as carrots and cucumbers, are ideal snacks that offer full servings of veggies and have a high fiber content. This is important for your digestive health. The solid, somewhat crunchy nature of many of these vegetables can even help remove some of the biofilm and small debris stuck on the enamel of your teeth.

There are so many different ways to serve healthy cut up veggies. You can use them with hummus, spread cream cheese on fresh celery, or use ranch dressing to dip carrots. If you’re looking for a bigger snack or appetizer, consider making some cheese fondue to dip cut-up peppers or apple chunks.

Cheese And Crackers

Much like yogurt, cheese offers a solid amount of calcium and vitamin D. Combined with some whole-grain crackers, you have a filling snack that has a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and dietary fiber. It is a smart, pre-work out snack choice that won’t damage your teeth.

Apples And Peanut Butter

Slices of apple dipped or slathered with peanut butter are another balanced choice. Peanut butter has a lot of protein and relatively healthy fats. Apples offer a high amount of fiber and vitamins. If you are allergic to peanuts, you can opt for almond butter, cashew butter, or sunflower butter instead.

Unsweetened Green Tea

While technically more of a beverage than a snack, enjoying a glass of unsweetened green tea is a tooth-healthy decision. There are anti-inflammatory properties found in green tea that can help with gum inflammation.

Additionally, green tea has plaque-fighting ingredients. Just make sure that you don’t opt for sweetened versions, as the sugar isn’t a healthy choice for your teeth or your overall health. Sweetened beverages are also a common source of weight gain.

Hard Boiled Eggs

Lean proteins, such as eggs, are important to the health of your teeth’s enamel. While it may not be practical to scramble up eggs anytime you want a high-protein snack, it is easy to boil a dozen hard-boiled eggs to have them ready when it’s snack time. There are even easy-to-use counter-top egg makers that you plug in to cook eggs within a few minutes.

Foods That Are Less Kind To Your Teeth

family dental care

While there are many different kinds of snacks that are perfectly healthy for your teeth, there are other snacks that are more known to cause dental problems. While this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t eat these foods, you should eat them with caution to prevent potential issues from developing.

Foods to enjoy in moderation include:


As previously mentioned, biting down accidentally on an un-popped kernel of popcorn is strong enough to damage your teeth, especially if the tooth is already weak from decay. Treatment at the dentist may require a fillingcrown, or in some cases, depending on where the tooth broke, a dental implant.

To avoid this situation, it is a good idea to be careful when eating popcorn to ensure that all of the whole kernels are removed. Simply by knowing this is a possibility can make you more aware while you’re eating, so you know not to bite down on a hard kernel.

Tacky Foods

Tacky foods like caramel, taffy, and Swedish Fish can get stuck on your teeth and be difficult to clean off. If you happen to have a loose filling or crown, it is possible that these types of snacks can loosen it. In a worst-case scenario, it is possible to lose a filling or crown this way.

By scheduling regular dental appointments and cleanings, you can be sure that your teeth are in the best condition possible. This will reduce the risk of having a loose crown or filling fall out.


Generally, nuts are considered a healthy snack. For the same reasons as popcorn, it is important to be careful when eating a nut. If a nut is very ripe, for instance, it might be too difficult to bite down on. Just be careful when eating nuts and take steps to ensure that you don’t have significant dental decay that might weaken your teeth against firmer foods.

Family Dental Care In Boynton Beach, Florida

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One of the best things you can do for your overall dental health is to schedule your dental checkups every six months and go for regular cleanings with a professional dental hygienist. This will ensure that your teeth are in better shape and won’t break while eating foods that are known to cause dental issues. Plus, by focusing on healthy foods, such as apples, eggs, and celery, you can improve your nutrition and overall health.

If it’s time to schedule your family dental care appointment, our office is here to help you. We are able to take care of dental exams, restorative dentistry, and cleaning all from one office. Contact Eriks Dental Group by calling 561-733-4004 t today.