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Family Dentist Tips For A Tooth-Friendly Trick-or-Treat

Let’s be honest – for little ones (and even some adults), going to the dentist can be the spookiest thing! With Halloween fast approaching, it’s about to get a lot spookier. Halloween is a time of fun, creative costumes, and of course – Trick-or-Treating! While kids of all ages eagerly anticipate lots of candy and delicious treats, parents may find themselves concerned about the impact that an overabundance of sugar will have on their childrens teeth. However, there are ways to enjoy your Halloween candy with the help of your local Boynton Beach Family Dentist!

Top Trick Or Treat Tips From Your Family Dentist

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With a bit of planning and these practical tips in place, your family can enjoy a sweet and spooky holiday while keeping those smiles bright and healthy. The best part is that you may be able to utilize these same tricks when handing out treats (or tricks) at your door this Halloween!

  • Make the right choices

While nobody wants to receive fruits (or veggies) when trick or treating, not all candies are created equal. You can help foster healthy dental habits by encouraging your kids to pick candies that are less likely to leave them with cavities. This can include choosing lower-sugar or sugar-free candies. It’s also best to avoid sticky candies (like taffy, and caramels) which can cling to the teeth making it harder to brush off, and hard candies which can chip sensitive teeth or linger longer exposing teeth to sugar for a longer time.

Pro Tip: Chocolate can be a better choice as it washes away a lot easier than sticky or hard candies. Dark chocolate is also the better choice for your dental health as it has less sugar.​​​​​​

  • Don’t eat everything at once

mily Dentist

As amazing as it is to have a massive bowl of candy and treats at the end of the night. We all have experienced the belly (and tooth) ache that occurs when consuming too much candy in one sitting. Establish set treat times and allow your child to snack on a treat at set intervals throughout the day. This will help reduce the amount of sugar consumed in one sitting. You can also frame it in a way that suggests they’ll have more candy to enjoy for a longer period if they’re not eating it all in one go! Try to time treat time to line up with meals as a dessert – instead of having both a regular evening dessert and candy, just pick one.

Pro Tip: Try to avoid consuming candy right before bed or late at night, as saliva production lessens as we sleep and saliva is key for good oral health.

  • Hydration is Key!

Family Dentist

A good trade-off is ensuring that during treat time, water needs to be drunk at the same time or soon after. This will help rinse away sugar and other acids. This will also help ensure that the likelihood of tooth decay, due to excess sugar consumption, is reduced.

  • Oral Hygiene Is the Best Treat

Family Dentist

Encourage your households’ trick-or-treaters to properly brush their teeth after having their candy. Flossing is your friend – it will help remove additional sugar particles that are trapped between your teeth. Remember while the minimum amount of brushing required is two times a day, there is no rule that says you can’t brush again after eating candy or if you feel like you have something stuck in your teeth. Make use of a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste at night to help keep your children’s teeth strong – however, be mindful to rinse properly and ensure that fluoride toothpaste is not swallowed.

  • Make Fair Trades (No Trickery Involved)

Another way to ensure that your household isn’t consuming too much candy this Halloween is to try to trade them for either healthier alternatives or bonus non-food related treats such as money, stickers, toys, or household privileges (like extra TV time).

Traded candy can be locked away as an out of sight out of mind thing but be sure to hide it well as kids of all ages are excellent detectives when it comes to snacks in the house. Traded candy can also be donated to various organizations or charities.

  • Schedule A Dental Visit

After Halloween is the best time to visit your local family dentist. A dental check-up can act as a preventative measure for cavities or tooth decay and will help catch any potential problems ahead of time. ​​​​​​

It’s important to let your children be children and experience the magic and wonder associated with Halloween, however compromises can be made with a little mindfulness and preparation. Halloween can be a fun and memorable experience without compromising your household’s dental health. Keep in mind that these tips can work for all members of the household, young and old alike so be mindful if you’re secretly tempted to dip into your child’s candy stash.

By choosing the right treats, practicing good oral hygiene, and setting sensible limits, you can ensure that the spooky season remains enjoyable and tooth-friendly. Instilling good habits such as drinking water after eating candies and regular dental visits will help set your children up for a lifetime of healthy dental practices.

Remember, a healthy smile lasts long after the candy is gone, so encourage your children to enjoy their treats responsibly and keep their teeth shining bright all year round.

At Eriks Dental Group, we only want the best for your dental health. To schedule a visit with one of our reliable family dental technicians you can schedule a dental appointment online today or call us at 561-733-4004 for more information!

We hope you have a tooth-tacularly Happy Halloween!