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root canal

Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction

Toothaches happen; some are more severe than others. If your toothache has been persistent and is affecting your ability to smile and chew, it’s time to make an appointment with your dentist. Doing this sooner rather than later can prevent the possibility of root canal therapy or tooth extraction: two procedures to cure significantly damaged or decayed teeth.

Depending on the severity of your toothache, perhaps due to an injury or infection, one of these treatment methods may be recommended. But what is the difference between the two? What circumstances are these procedures used for? Read on to learn more from the staff at Eriks Dental Group.

What Is A Root Canal?

Root Canal

A root canal is no one’s favorite dental procedure, but sometimes they are necessary. This is when bacteria is removed from deep inside the tooth, usually in the case of an infection, the tooth is then sealed to protect it.

There are at least three conditions in which root canals may be necessary:

  1. Large, untreated cavities
  2. Tooth fractures
  3. Breaks in fillings

In each of these circumstances, bacteria can get inside. The root canal is intended to prevent this from happening. The tooth being treated will be numbed before the procedure so patients are kept as comfortable as possible. A good endodontist – a dental professional specializing in root canal – will have high quality numbing agents, so you don’t have to fear this procedure.

What Is A Tooth Extraction?

Ideally, adult teeth should last a lifetime. But there are circumstances in which removing the tooth altogether is better than leaving it. Extracting a tooth is a procedure that completely removes the tooth.

Injuries are one circumstance in which extraction might be necessary; infections are another. In both cases, the teeth may be so damaged that it’s simply beyond repair. Removing it is ultimately healthier for a patient’s overall health.

Additionally, some patients have teeth that are too crowded. If the teeth are too big, or can’t break through the gum because there’s not enough room for it, a dentist may recommend extracting it.

Advantages Of Root Canals

After a root canal, you will have

  • More efficient chewing ability
  • A more natural appearance once the infection is treated
  • Protection for the rest of your teeth from strain, wear, or infection.

Disadvantages Of Root Canals

No dental procedure is without risk, however rare. Some drawbacks of root canals include

  • A weakened tooth that may require a crown for further protection
  • More than one appointment, depending on the severity of the condition
  • Some discomfort once the pain medication wears off

Advantages Of Tooth Extractions

While always the last resort, some benefits of a tooth extraction include

  • An improved smile once there is enough room for crowded teeth
  • Better functioning teeth when biting or chewing
  • Avoidance of further issues by removing the infected tooth
  • More cost effective once the sight of the damage is gone, preventing the need to spend more money on treatments over time

Disadvantages Of A Tooth Extraction

Removing a tooth can have potential drawbacks, such as

  • Loss of volume and mass in the bone that supported the tooth, which will need to be monitored at future appointments
  • Surrounding teeth that could drift out of place, resulting in a bite that is misaligned
  • An increased risk of losing other teeth

It’s nearly impossible to predict which of these risks, if any, are possible. This is why quality care and follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process are important. Your dentist will make recommendations for at-home care and follow-ups to make sure your mouth heals quickly and properly.

Root Canals Versus Tooth Extractions: Which Is Better?

root canal

In most cases, root canals are the preferred route because they allow the patient to keep the tooth, an extraction is often only recommended as a last resort. Patients will undergo x-rays and testing to ensure that an extraction is necessary. ​​​Your dentist will perform an examination or request x-rays to make a recommendation depending on your unique situation and overall health.

Dental Services In Boynton Beach

If you need a root canal or tooth extraction, you want to entrust your teeth to a caring specialist. At Eriks Dental Group we have a highly skilled and compassionate dental team who are happy to address any questions or concerns you may have about each procedure.

Eriks Dental Group is a “one-stop-shop” for the entire family to receive various dental services. From examining a child’s first teeth to a teenager’s set of braces, to being fitted for dentures, we do it all.

Contact us today at 561-733-4004 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online – and find out why the Boynton Beach community trusts us for all their dental needs.