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tooth sensitivity

What Can I Do About Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is a common complaint dentists hear from their patients. While tooth erosion or decay is a common reason for this sensitivity, there are several other reasons for tooth pain or discomfort. While some conditions may require dental treatment, others can be resolved with changes to one’s oral hygiene routine. During a tooth exam, a dentist can learn the cause of your symptoms and make professional recommendations for what will resolve it effectively.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Some people may have more sensitive teeth than others because of thinner enamel, the outer layer of the tooth. There are many reasons for this tooth enamel being worn down, including:

  • Enamel erosion
  • Tooth decay
  • Infected tooth nerve requiring a root canal
  • Teeth whitening
  • Cracked tooth or filling
  • Brushing too hard
  • Using too hard of a toothbrush
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding) or teeth clenching
  • High acid diet
  • Gum infection causing gum recession
  • Medical history of Gastroparesis, GERD, or an eating disorder

Having regular dental exams helps resolve dental issues before pain or tooth sensitivity occurs. A biannual teeth cleaning can help ensure that the teeth and gums are free of plaque, some of which can only be removed by a professional thoroughly. You should also brush and floss your teeth every single day.

Symptoms Of Tooth Sensitivity

There are many symptoms related to tooth sensitivity that warrant a trip to the dentist, including:

  • Sensitivity to cold or hot food or beverages
  • Pain while biting or chewing
  • Stains on the surface of the teeth

If your symptoms aren’t on this list, it’s still important to schedule regular dental appointments. During your visit, a dentist can perform a dental exam to diagnose the cause of your tooth sensitivity and make a treatment recommendation.

What Does Teeth Cleaning Do?

Having regular teeth cleaning helps keep your oral health at its best. Some reasons why having teeth cleanings several times a year include:

  • Gum disease prevention: Gum disease is caused by poor oral hygiene. Without proper brushing or flossing, plaque and tartar can build on the teeth and cause gum inflammation.
  • Oral cancer screening: During your dental cleaning, a hygienist screens for any suspicious spots or lesions in and around the mouth. If detected early, oral cancer has a high survival rate.

What Is A Deep Teeth Cleaning?

For those with severe tooth sensitivity, a deep teeth cleaning may be necessary. Usually, it is required when someone has gum disease, which happens when plaque accumulates along and just below the gum line. When the gums even slightly begin to recede, you are at a high risk of experiencing tooth sensitivity. Scaling and root planing is a non-surgical way to remove this plaque and tartar from the teeth and help the gums to heal.

When left untreated, bacteria can enter into gum pockets and cause inflammation, leading to gum recession. Without treatment, this inflammation eventually damages the bone beneath the gums that hold teeth in place. For severe cases of periodontal disease, gum surgery may be required to restore oral health.

Schedule a Dental Appointment to Treat Tooth Sensitivity

At Eriks Dental Group, our goal is to help our patients prevent gum disease, tooth pain, and tooth sensitivity. For patients with gum disease, our Boynton Beach FL gum specialist, Dr. Pike, offers deep teeth cleanings once a week in our dental office. He has years of experience treating all stages of periodontal disease.

If you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity, or any other oral health issue, call our office today at 561-733-4004.