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Periodontal Care


Periodontal Care: Symptoms, Stages & Treatment

Do you know a healthy smile goes beyond having pearl-white teeth? Yes, for optimal oral health, you also need periodontal care. This involves keeping your gums healthy and protecting them from the pesky grip of periodontitis or gum diseases. Periodontitis can cause bleeding gums, receding gums, tooth sensitivity, and loose, shifting, or wobbly teeth. If left untreated,

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The Role Of A Periodontist In Maintaining Oral Health

Are you tired of constantly having to deal with gum disease? If so, consider scheduling an appointment with a periodontist in Boynton Beach. Gum disease is not only uncomfortable but also detrimental to your overall health. If left untreated, it can increase your chances of conditions like stroke, heart disease, and pregnancy complications. Periodontists are the silent guardians

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The Importance Of Periodontal Care In Preventing Periodontitis

Today we’re shining a spotlight on a crucial aspect of dental care that often gets overlooked, but can make all the difference in keeping your teeth and gums healthy: periodontal care. Periodontitis is a dreaded word that can send shivers down anyone’s spine. But fear not: Eriks Dental Group is here to unveil the magical

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Periodontal Laser Therapy

Benefits Of Gum Treatment With Periodontal Laser Therapy

Almost 50% of adults in the US have some form of periodontitis. Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, affects millions of people worldwide. It’s a chronic condition that starts with the inflammation of the gums and can progress to more severe stages if left untreated. Periodontal laser therapy has emerged as an effective treatment

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